BUNGARUS candidus
The Movement and Spatial Habits of Bungarus candidus
Very interesting and so rightly points to possible reasons (including shelter and prey) there are so many bites by Indian kraits on sleepers, though exactly why they are biting people for no obvious reason like threat/defense is still perplexing. Our 'theory' that these are olfactory linked 'feeding/predatory bites' is still to be examined empirically.
Rom Whitaker
September 9, 2021Dataset Open Access
Malayan kraits (Bungarus candidus) show affinity to anthropogenic structures in a human dominated landscape
Hodges, Cameron W.; Marshall, Benjamin M.; Hill III, Jacques G.; Strine, Colin T.
Data, code, and supplemental materials for Hodges et al. (2021): Malayan kraits (Bungarus candidus) show affinity to anthropogenic structures in a human dominated landscape.
Including: radio-telemetry movement data, camera trapping activity/behavior data, habitat use data, land-use shapefiles, and R scripts to reproduce analyses.
Research is supported by King Cobra Conservancy. We had ethical approval from the Suranaree University of Technology Ethics Committee, and all work was permitted by the National Research Council of Thailand (0002/27; 0402/4367).
Sakaerat Conservation
Our paper is finally now peer reviewed and accepted, and published at Movement Ecology. Do please have a look. We made sure to make all data from the king cobras of the
site are open and all code for analyses are open also. So please use the data and code! Thanks to all the author team for making this happen.

The King Cobra Report

Here is one of our radio-tracked males OPHA029 who was deep in shed upon his most recent processing. Such an amazing snake!

Tracked and Documented by Max Jones

The King Cobras of Northeast Thailand — Researching Lives and Threats
Living Alongside Wildlife