Snake Venom
Why does treating a venomous snake bite cost as much as a house? Zachary Crockett
Some good current information about snakebite with emphasis on Venoms and Antivenoms with Sean Bush, Jack Facente and fascinating up dates.

Snakebite Video Message from Rom Whitaker
Message from Madras Crocodile Bank Trust:
Our Snakebite Mitigation Project's Coordinator Gnaneswar attended the Core Committee meeting of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare's National Action Plan to Prevent and Control Snakebite. He spoke about the planning of outreach and prevention models across India and also the need for developing the Irular serpentarium. We have been working closely with the Government of India in preparing an action plan to address all the challenges around Human Snake Conflict. The action plan is already being implemented with several state National Health Missions planning for programs for the next financial vear onwards. Our team has been working hard in strengthening the government policies and provide all the reguired assistance in executing the action plan. The committee consists of representatives from multiple ministries, WHO @who.searo and a few clinicians.We will share with vou more updates in the weeks to come.
We would like to thank the National Center for Disease Control for this opportunity. We would also like to thank the King Cobra Conservancy for supporting our policy interventions.
If you would like to support MCBT efforts, please click the donate button Your donation will go directly to this specific project. Thank You

Click on image for PDF
Snakebites killed 1.2 million Indians over the last 20 years, 70% of which were in just eight states, and many of which were during the rainy season. This study can help achieve the WHO goal of halving snakebite deaths by 2030.
Attached is a PDF of the ground-breaking study "Trends in snakebite deaths in India from 2000 to 2019 in a nationally representative mortality study" published today in eLife. Also attached is a (PDF) press release, photograph and map of India showing snakebite mortality risk.
Check video page for videos on snakebite prevention and treatment which are available in several regional languages.
Contact <snakebite@madrascrocodilebank.org> for further information.
Please share widely, the snakebite study shows the need of the hour is to strengthen rural health care and resources, an investment for the future, particularly at this challenging time of the Covid-19 pandemic.
With many thanks and stay safe!
Romulus Whitaker
Project Manager (India), Global Snakebite Initiative
Centre for Herpetology/Madras Crocodile Bank
WHO Information
World Health Organization Recognising Snakebite Global Health Priority