The first King Cobra Symposium was recently held in Veenendaal, Netherlands and featured a fantastic assembly of enthusiasts, scientists and specialists from around the globe. The symposium focused on the King Cobra, his environment and broadening education and awareness. Field biologists from India, Thailand and Borneo presented several talks of their ground breaking studies. Some of the talks centered on radio tracking wild king cobras and unlocking some of their secrets. World renown biologists, writers, television presenters and toxicologists also contributed to the program.
The KCC would like to thank the Herpetofauna Foundation, Edu-Pet and Rogier van Rossem, the cast of volunteers and of course the sponsors for the above and beyond organization. Extraordinary!
In total, 19 countries were represented at the historic first meeting of its kind!
The KCC will be offering a membership program to keep the momentum going. Specific projects will be voted by our board to be funded with the help of you and others that have yet to be enlightened by the King Cobra.
The support around the world for The King and his Kingdom is exciting and stimulating. Sharing something so unique as the King Cobra places snakes in a whole new realm for others not educated in the field.
"To change fear into fascination instills intrigue”
Clarita Haast
We need your help to pique curiosity around the world!

Rogier van Rossem
Colin Strine
Rom Whitaker
Joe Wasilewski
Bryan G Fry
Mark O'Shea
Matt Goode
Colin Strine
Rom Whitaker
Mohamed Silmi
Mark O'Shea
Mark O'Shea Rom Whitaker
Matt Goode
Naia Hannah Joe Wasilewski
Bryan Fry Rom Whitaker Gowri Shankar
Rom Whitaker Jory van Thiel
Bryan Fry Rom Whitaker
Naia Hannah Rom Whitaker
Ajay Giri Colin Strine
Chang Gowri Shankar Choti Singh
Matt Goode Ajay Giri
Matt Goode Mark O'Shea Naia Hannah
Ajay Giri Journalist Joe Wasilewski
Rom Whitaker Joe Wasilewski Cameron Hodges

Gowri Shankar Bartosz Nadolski Joe Wasilewski Cameron Hodges Muhammad Slimi
Joe Wasilewski Rom Whitaker Matt Goode Dhiraj Bhaisare Mark O'Shea Ajay Giri