Events of the latest venomous snake research and projects that are happening around the world.
Join if you can!

Thank you to Rogier, all of his staff and to all the Speakers at the Herpsymposium
Matt Goode gave an excellent talk about conservation work with King Cobras in India, Indonesia and Thailand.
His talk was for the 2019 joint meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists.

School of Natural Resources and Environment at the University of Arizona.
Rom Whitaker recently traveled to several events.
Hope you were able to attend.
Venomous Herpetology Symposium 2018 Zoo Miami
Hosted by Tony Daly-Creews Rattlesnake Conservancy and Michael Starkey of Save the Snakes.
Thank you Ron Magill, Zoo Miami .

Rom attended and gave a talk on updates of the Madras Crocodile Bank/Centre for Herpetology project entitled "Snake Conservation and Snakebite Mitigation", funded by USV Pvt Ltd in Mumbai, at the Medicins sans Frontieres (Doctors without Borders) meeting in New Delhi on August 7, 2018
Next he went to Australia August 8th mainly to attend the screening of the new film "Minutes to Die" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PfkwKEIdhUo) and to interact at Melbourne University and at the Australian Herpetological Society in Sydney.
Rom was in Miami, Florida, September 8th, to attend and give the Plenary Talk, "One Million Snakebites" at the Venomous Herpetology Symposium organized by the Rattlesnake Conservancy and Save the Snakes.
Rom was invited to London, September 20th, to attend and give a talk "One Million Snakebites--50,000 Deaths" at the Annual Meeting of the Royal Society for Tropical Medicine and Hygiene.
Two days later he gave a talk at the Zoological Society of London on September 22nd on the snakebite work being done by his team in India.

Dr. Matt Goode Netherlands April 3, 2018

Dr. Matt Goode was invited to give a presentation about King Cobra research at Reptile House The Earth in Breda, The Netherlands on April 3, 2018. Approximately 50 people attended the talk, including many of our new friends we met at the King Cobra Symposium last October in The Netherlands. Matt’s trip to The Netherlands provided an opportunity to meet many people interested in King Cobras and conservation of snakes. Matt also met with Rogier van Rossem of Herpetofauna Foundation to discuss plans for the next symposium, which will be held in October of 2019. In addition to King Cobras, this symposium will include other iconic snakes from around the world, making it an excellent venue to formulate plans for snake conservation in the future. Importantly, the symposium will involve kids and their parents in an effort to engage future generations in snake conservation. Matt would like to thank Reptielenhuis ’t Aarde, Wouter Kok, and Elfje de Geus for arranging the lecture and for their incredible Dutch hospitality! And big thanks to Wouter for helping Matt find his first adders in The Netherlands
Dr. Matt Goode Snake Taxon Advisory Group Seattle on April 16, 2018
Dr. Matt Goode gave a talk on King Cobras at the Snake Taxon Advisory Group meeting in Seattle on April 16, 2018. The Snake TAG is part of the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) whose mission is to discuss conservation and promote sustainability of snakes at the scale of the entire taxon. Besides presenting data on several years of research at our study sites in India, Thailand and Kalimantan (Indonesian Borneo), Matt used the opportunity to inform the group about the KCC’s new program called the King’s Council. There were approximately 75 people in attendance, most of whom were reptile curators and keepers from zoos around the US. The King’s Council, which the KCC is planning to launch in the next month or two, aims to be a consortium of zoos that exhibit King Cobras and are dedicated to the conservation of these amazing animals in nature. The Snake TAG and several zoos have already stepped up to the plate to provide funding as part of the King’s Council. This funding will go to support on-the-ground research and education at our study sites in India and Southeast Asia. Our goal is to gain support from as many zoos as possible, all pitching in according to their means, to develop a source of reliable funds that will enable us to better understand King Cobra natural history and ecology and engage local communities in conservation of snakes and the habitats on which they depend. Stay tuned for more developments on the King’s Council, and if you know a zoo that keeps King Cobras, tell them about the King’s Council and how they can support conservation of not only snakes, but of tropical rainforest environments, which are being lost at an alarming rate.